How to do BMW ICOM A2 USB WIFI setting
According to recent survey, about half of ICOM users cannot set the USB wifi successfully. Today, we offer some tips about auto diagnostic tool BMW ICOM A2 with USB WIFI.
Compatible device:
How to do USB wifi setting for ICOM A2:
1 Insert usb wifi to usb port on the laptop.
2 turn off the bulit-in wifi in the laptop. Also, the newly added wifi cannot be opened. That is, there only exits the usb wifi for our icom device. Wired network port can not be connected to the network or connected via the device cable.
3 make sure of forbidden wifi setting(step 2), then power on the laptop.
4 make sure that the network is disabled or disconnected, after the laptop starts.
This DWA-131 is our usb wifi. Do not disconnect it. But it is normal to show with a red cross.
5 open the software- ISPI-NEST Admin Tools.
Tick on WIFI for ICOM.
6 connect ICOM A2 to the BMW vehicle. Wait for 20-60 seconds, and you will see the WLAN light stops flashing or flashes slower.
it means that the connection of usb wifi and icomA2 wifi is okay.
7 now you can click diagnosis or programming software.
Click OK here.
8 do not close this interface in red; it is okay to minimize it.
9 the device icom can be recognized.
This is from bmw icom scanner website: